Project number: 2023JTF165
This bioeconomy demonstration project is ambitious, commercially-focused and interdisciplinary. The project will use the novel recirculating, peatland-based, integrated multitrophic aquaculture site at Mount Lucas. The project will demonstrate the generation of new value-chain products for feeds/foods from cultivated duckweed and macroalgae that use waste-streams as nutrient source. The projects focus lies on integrated-sustainable economic development by demonstrating production of commercial products (TRL 6+) using holistic multi-actor approach for the development of the midlands Just Transition territory. This unique demonstration project will also deploy digital tools for monitoring/managing optimal performance. It will also utilise immersive extended-reality training addressing new sustainable and climate-resilient pathways for vital economic development, which brings together key stakeholders generating new products and jobs.
Indigo Rock's Role
Indigo Rock will use its knowledge in the cultivation of seaweeds to develop a system for the cultivation of freshwater macroalgae on waste stream to produce novel products. To achieve this Indigo Rock will screen for elite freshwater macroalgae species, which thrive in eutrophic waters. These species will be propagated at Indigo Rock on synthetic media mimicking the wastewater. When successful species have been identified, their cultivation will be upscaled at the mount Lucas site. Finaly, Indigo Rock will be involved in the valorisation of the algae biomass.